Vendor Resource Library
Helpful information for your business
STEP 1: Set up an account by registering your business with the Kansas Department of Revenue Customer Service Center.
Step 2: Once you have registered for an account and logged into the customer service center, fill out the questionnaire to receive your tax registration certificate.
This linked site is intended to assist you in understanding how the Kansas sales and use tax applies to your business operation. Inside you will find information on what is taxable, what is exempt, how to collect, report, and pay your sales and use tax electronically, and other information of general interest to businesses.
State and federal food labeling requirements can be confusing for food producers and processors. This fact sheet aims to clarify regulations for the food products most commonly sold by Kansas food producers and processors. LINK TO FACT SHEET
It is essential that the food sold at Market is produced and processed according to the relevant governmental rules, regulations, and guidelines. Not only will this ensure products that are as safe as possible, it will also assure our customers that your business, as well as the entire market, has product quality and safety in mind.
The Kansas Department of Agriculture issues two types of food licenses to food businesses. They are food establishment and food processor. A business may be required to have both licenses, depending on their operation. LEARN MORE
Retail food sales are regulated by the Kansas Department of Agriculture. The objective is to ensure that all foods offered for sale are safe and wholesome. The sale of non-potentially hazardous foods, which are foods that do not require temperature control for safety or specialized processing, is allowed at farmers' markets. Non-potentially hazardous foods include…
Providing samples at a Kansas farmers market is allowed if the following conditions are met: LEARN MORE
At FLIP, we hope to be a part of a movement to buy food from local farmers, gardeners, and chefs. Product liability insurance is essential to the financial security of farmers market vendors in the 21st century. Often, though, farmers market vendors have trouble finding insurance tailored to their needs at affordable prices.
NOTE: Receive $10 off your annual policy with the Coupon Code: OTFAM10
Any person selling, offering for sale or distributing, or grading eggs in Kansas needs to obtain a license. The license fee is $5 each year and the license is valid until December 31st each year. A producer of eggs when selling ungraded eggs of the producer's own flock production directly to the end consumer is... LEARN MORE
We offer confidential, no-cost advising to help you start or grow your business.
We also offer over 75 training events each year to support you with all aspects of your work. LEARN MORE
Over the years we’ve seen the gamut of canopies and obviously some are better than others. We are fans of E-Z UP Canopies. They are built tough, truly easy to set up, take down, and store. Prices range from roughly $125.00 for lighter, entry level canopies, to $1000.00+. The Market owns a few of the Ambassador models, which is considered a recreational model, but are inexpensive and do the job (with fingers crossed..) If you are looking for a one-time buy, we recommend their Eclipse model which offers outstanding durability and lasting reinforcement. These canopies are used weekly, year after year, and hold up very well. E-Z UP also offers great customer service and warranties on their products. WEBSITE
Interactive crop calculators for farmers and gardeners. When growing vegetables in a garden or on a farm it’s always important to know how much seed is needed, when to plant, how much to plant and yield expectations. These calculators will help with many of these questions. WEBSITE