Raising the bar
Our Standards not only guide but also define and shape the types of businesses the market hosts. Our rigorous vendor approval process is designed to ensure that only the finest quality products make it to the Market. This careful selection reflects our commitment to meeting and exceeding customer expectations while upholding the high standards that have become synonymous with the market.
Family-Friendly Products Only. Market products must be appropriate for all ages.
All products, signs, clothing, stickers, symbols, etc. that could be deemed to be political or advancing one’s ideology is prohibited. This zero-tolerance rule applies to vendors, products, and guest organizations.
Farmers & Ranchers
Conventional practices such as the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, Genetically Modified crops, feed ingredients, and added hormones and antibiotic use, are ever-growing health concerns, so we’re doing our part to reduce them.
By giving priority to farmers and ranchers who use environmentally responsible, healthful, and humane methods, we are working to ensure our customers feel confident about what they are putting on their plate.
• All Vendors selling food for human consumption are required to carry Product Liability Insurance.
• Genetically Modified Crops (GMOs) are not permitted to be sold.
• Produce must be grown in Kansas or within 100 miles of the Market.
• Meat, dairy, and poultry products must be raised and processed in Kansas or within 100 miles of the Market.
• Meat and poultry products should be grown or raised by the vendor company. Meat and poultry products that are not grown or raised by the vendor are strictly limited and only eligible for sale upon approval.
• Priority is given to produce and meat/dairy/poultry products grown or raised and produced using environmentally responsible, healthful, and humane methods.
• Freeze dried foods are only permitted as a value-add farm product that is grown and produced by the farm.
• Occasionally, a limited number of farmers may buy and sell items from other farms. Specific product approval aims to provide temporary financial support to market farmers during challenging seasonal conditions and is strictly a farmer-to-farmer-to-market transaction. Approved resold products are items not adequately offered by other vendors.
Priority is given to safe-to-consume foods that are unusual, unique, or not adequately represented at the Market.
Food Artisans
A food artisan is someone who has an understanding of a craft that is pure and authentic. Artisan foods are made by people - not machines - and require skills such as patience, precision, and respect for the ingredients and the process in which it takes to create delicious foods.
We strongly discourage the use of seed oils and artificial ingredients, including food colorings in all foods intended for human consumption.
• All Vendors selling food for human consumption are required to carry Product Liability Insurance.
• Bakery and ready to eat food items must be made by the vendor.
• Priority is given to products that are unique, handmade and of the highest quality.
• Priority is given to vendors who offer foods made from market-purchased ingredients and/or Kansas-produced fresh and healthful ingredients.
• Priority is always given to producers who do not use artificial ingredients. We encourage the use of ingredients that are organic or produced using safe ingredients, practices, and methods.
• Food items that are not grown, prepared and/or processed by the vendor are strictly limited and only eligible for sale upon approval.
• Overly processed foods are not permitted to be sold.
• Freeze dried foods are only permitted as a value-add farm product that is grown and produced by the farm.
• Potential vendor products must match the quality of the goods already being sold at the Market.
No Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or franchise businesses are permitted to sell at the Market.
Arts & Handmade Artisans
An artisan is someone who has an understanding of a craft that is pure and authentic. Artisan products are made by people - not machines - and require skills such as patience, precision, and respect for the ingredients and the process in which it takes to create the product.
We have a true admiration for skilled craft and the arts and are always looking for that diversified, optimal mix of fun and functional products, goods, and pieces, perfect for that discerning individual.
No Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or franchise businesses are permitted to sell at the Market.
All work must be of original design and created/processed by the individual/vendor company (“handcrafted”).
We prioritize high-quality, original artwork that aligns with the aesthetic standards already represented at the market.
Potential vendor products must match the quality of the goods already being sold at the Market.
Laser-cut, laser-engraved, image transfer, dye-sublimation, or 3D-printed items are no longer accepted, except for those grandfathered in prior to this policy update. Adding a vendor’s company logo to original items using these methods is still permitted.
The use of artificial fragrances and synthetic chemicals are highly discouraged in personal care body products, candles, etc.
No pieces or items shall be permitted that are derived from kits.
The work sold at the Market by the artist must match the quality and balance of the images submitted during the application process.
A strictly limited number of vendor companies may be allowed to buy and sell items from out of state sources. Product resellers are sellers of Market items that are not currently offered or offered in sufficient quantity by vendor companies selling at Market. This category includes carefully selected Fair and/or Direct Trade products.
Check out the benefits
of joining the Market!
Join the Market in 3 Easy Steps:
1. Standards
Meet the Market Standards.
2. Rules and Regulations
Read and agree to the Rules and Regulations.
3. Application
Submit an online Vendor Application.